Disappearing Bees! A Unique Yet Daunting Phenomenon – Nature's Blends
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Disappearing Bees! A Unique Yet Daunting Phenomenon

Nearly All of us these days are totally aware that honeybees and their beekeepers are in danger. The crises are complicated, far-stretching and mainly not more than one hundred years old. These troubles are unquestionably a menace to the continued existence of the beekeeping industry but, even more so, for the survival of numerous plants which we need or desire for food and clothing and many other plants that are a vital the element of the environment.

Dying off in alarming numbers!

But surprisingly for the general populace, it would have been overlooked; even though it is a fact ever since the late 1980s honeybees are dying off at shocking figures. Unless we get to know about it on the news or read it someplace in the newspapers, how else could we know? After all it is only a simple tiny bee of no significance or value to the majority of us, or is it?

Bees are known to bring us honey and are also respected for the sting!

Do you know after a bee stings it will die? Unlike a wasp which is not affected after it fired its torpedo. It most likely flies away with a smirk on its face.

The little bee is not getting reduced in numbers because of its suicidal mission. We are responsible for many other ways for its disappearance.

The first thing that comes to our mind when we see a bee is American honey. Nothing wrong with that! Pure gold manuka honey has many good nutritional values and been excepted as healthy food and a natural substitute as a sweetener.

Owing to the substantial number of Manuka Honey Benefits and the fact that it is a natural product with by no means serious side effects, several products have been distributed onto the shops that combine the honey. These goods range from beauty products, acne treatments, to an assortment of digestive treatments and all can be bought at your neighbourhood store or through the internet.

It doesn't end there!

Our tiny bee reaches its wings further than that. It cross-pollinates all our fruit and vegetables.

In all, bees pollinate around 130 different crops all across the world. Our food resources depend on this humble operative and also promotes global food security.

Even Though, there are numerous other cross-pollinating insects, the bee only, is the largest ‘supplier’ of the food we eat. It is difficult to think of how life could be devoid of the variety of flowers, different fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries etc.

Bee colonies are disappearing!

Reports have proven that bee colonies throughout the earth are vanishing. It has been projected since 2006, roughly one - third of the honeybee clusters have disappeared.

The million-dollar question here is: What is triggering all of this? There is just a short answer to this: "US"!

We add to their extinction by running our instinctively cleverly designed machines, demonstrating a horrendous natural catastrophe and annihilating what nature has blessed us with.



What is the cause of their extinction?

One of the theories suggests this is all is due to invasion by a mite known as the Varroa mite; it impairs the bee's immune system. This exposes the bees to outbreaks from other illnesses, should a colony become infected by mites. It's essential that the crisis is dealt with at once to prevent the colony from being destroyed.

Other elements are progressively high toxic insecticides utilized in the agricultural application as seed medication in hundreds and thousands of crops.

GMO (genetically modified organs) which are extremely poisonous, get into soils and ground water where they can remain for a lengthy time, even years.

Some European nations like Germany and Poland has suspended using GMO in all crops.

This is no more just a theory that genetic manufacturing of crops is terrible for the environment and the human populace, this has become a fact. The use and implanting of herbicide-tolerant GM crops is not only influencing many insects including butterflies but also destroying other plants.

There are other issues that contribute to this pandemic, like cooler wet summer seasons and increased cold winters or in other are very hot summer seasons.

How can we help our honeybees?

We must say NO to the GMOs, its herbicides and chemical roundup that is killing our bees and also affecting our own health just for the benefit of some to make a fast buck.

For the benefit of your own health use lots of honey! This is the only food on our planet that will not rot or spoil. No matter how long you keep it, it might crystallize and go sugary, although the perfect quality still remains.

As mentioned before, manuka honey as a very effective medicine for all kinds of diseases. Raw manuka honey is natural and has no side effects. Constant use of honey strengthens the white blood corpuscles to fight bacterial and viral diseases. Honey also has various vitamins and iron in large amounts. It is found that a mixture of honey and cinnamon cures many diseases.

If taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm diabetic patients.

If possible, get the honey from your local beekeeper. It is better quality and you are supporting your local organic farmers market at the same time.

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