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الإثنين - الجمعة: 09:00 - 17:30، السبت - الأحد: مغلق

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زيت أرغان نقي معصور على البارد (90 مل)

£14.99 GBP

Availability : In Stock

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إن زيت الأركان المغربي الطبيعي والمعصور على البارد هو منتج مطلوب بشدة كمساعد للجمال. غالبًا ما يشار إليه باسم "الذهب السائل" يتم استخراج زيت الأرغان من Natures Blend من حبات شجرة الأرغان التي لا يمكن العثور عليها إلا في المغرب.

يتم استخراج الزيت تقليديًا من جوز الأرغان ويتم عصره على البارد بدقة للحفاظ على أعلى تركيزات الأحماض الدهنية غير المشبعة والفيتامينات الحيوية اللازمة لصحة البشرة والشعر والأظافر. وفي هذه الحالة يكون أكثر مقاومة للأكسدة مما يعني أنه يحفظ بشكل جيد.

توفر مادة ترايتيربينويد الموجودة بشكل طبيعي في زيت الأرغان فوائد صحية ملحوظة للبشرة. كما ثبت في الدراسات أنه يخفض مستويات الزهم لدى أصحاب البشرة الدهنية، مما يقلل من الشحوم ويحسن المظهر العام.

مع العديد من الفوائد الصحية والتجميلية لزيت الأركان، فمن المنطقي أن يصبح سمة منتظمة في نظام جمالك وضروري لكل منزل.

ملاحظة الحساسية: قد يحتوي على آثار من المكسرات.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 58 reviews
    Z.B. (Croydon, GB)
    Nature’s Blends Pressed Argan Oil is of very good quality.I

    It is great for my hair and skin, l would happily recommend Nature’s Blends to my friends and family.

    F.N. (Penarth, GB)
    Very natural

    It’s really good it’s gives a really natural and good look not out of the world and not to dry.

    A.M. (Luton, GB)
    Argan oil

    good oil for beard

    I.I. (London, GB)
    An update on the recent 3 star review I had left previously, around 2 weeks or so back.

    I recently had put up a three star review, and the team had contacted me around a few days later regarding the product. First and foremost, the person in the other end was very understanding and got straight to the point, wasted no time, second of all the product I reviewed had an issue and they offered to resolve the issue by sending another bottle, the original bottle had a unpleasant smell. This review is just to update anyone regarding the argon oil product. The bottle I had received for free from the issue I had with the old bottle was just like the first time I had ever brought this product, it smells amazing. The product works wonders and give such a shine on my facial hair, it makes it easier to comb though as I have very thick and long beard hair and it moistens and softens the hair over my head too. I would like to thank this team of wonderful people. Just to confirm my previous review I stated that the problem was just a one off issue that doesn’t happen often and honestly I can confirm it was a one off issue as this bottle is completely different, I no longer hesitate to apply the oil and look forward to the smell of the oil.

    Z.P.S.(. (Islington, GB)

    It is a beautiful light golden oil which is light to apply and produces a warm glow to behold. JazakAllahu khayrun

    مدوناتنا الأخيرة

    10 Sep 2024
    01 Jul 2024
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